Climate Action News and Updates

Record-breaking wildfires, such as those experienced in Canada, and now 2025 in California, make huge impacts on the atmosphere, emissions, air quality, and communities. The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) keeps track of the emissions and pollution resulting from wildfires around the world.
Climate News
Greenbelt, 413 & Bradford Bypass​​​
Good News
Clean/alternative Energy​
No New Wind or Solar in Ontario until after 2030? ​
The Power We Need: Offshore Wind at Half the Price of Nuclear​
​Tidal kites: New technology harnessing ocean energy​
These giant batteries store energy, but not as electricity ​
Accelerating School Bus Electrification In Ontario​​​​​​
Economics and Affordability
How the warming Great Lakes could herald a new era of supercharged snowstorms
World's most effective climate policies identified in new study
Fossil fuels and emissions
Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Electricity | How You Can Help​
Canada - Countries & Regions - IEA​
The NOAA Annual Greenhouse Gas Index (AGGI)​​​​​​
How a handful of Toronto businessmen got their way on bike lanes
Climate Change: Ontario’s Plan to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions - seriously lacking
​Ontario opens renewables door if municipalities approve
Global Energy​​